Special Event


Explore the Outdoors: International Migratory Bird Day

Timucuan Ecological & Historic Preserve



Dates & Times


Saturday, April 13, 2019


10:00 AM


4 hours

Type of Event

Children’s Program

Duval Audubon Society’s Bird Walk for Beginners will begin at 10:30 am


On Saturday, April 13, Fort Caroline National Memorial will host the 6th annual Explore the Outdoors: International Migratory Bird Day. This event will feature a variety of hands-on activities focusing on migratory birds and their protected habitat in Northeast Florida. This year’s theme is “be the solution to plastic pollution.” By making changes individually and within our communities, we can make a difference in the fight against plastic pollution, improving habitat and survival rates for birds.  

Join us from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm for arts and crafts, activities, saltmarsh spotting scope talks and the migration game. “This family-friendly event is a fun way to learn about critical habitat for birds and how your actions can have a positive impact on their survival,” says Superintendent Chirs Hughes.

Duval Audubon Society’s Bird Walk for Beginners will begin at 10:30 am. This is a great way to learn the basics of birding along with learning about the variety of bird species that find habitat within the preserve.

Timucuan Parks Foundation is hosting a nature photography workshop at noon with Mark Middlebrook, Executive Director. Mark is a talented photographer who will provide tips and tricks for capturing wildlife in photographs.

This event is co- sponsored by the National Park Service, Florida State Parks, WJCT, and Timucuan Parks Foundation. A variety of other organizations will be represented including Jacksonville Public Library.  

Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve provides important habitat for migratory birds to nest, winter, and stopover during migration. Birding is a popular activity throughout the preserve.

The event takes place at Fort Caroline National Memorial at 12713 Fort Caroline Road, Jacksonville, FL 32225. For more information visit http://www.nps.gov/timu. Please find us on Facebook, Instagram (TimucuanNPS) and Twitter @TimucuanPreserve. For information on participating partners, visit,  www.FloridaStateParks.org, www.TimucuanParks.org, and WJCT-https://www.wjct.org/

Reservation or Registration: No

Contact Information

Cicely Pontiflet
Contact Us